I wanted to introduce the crew for Rocky. I figured rather than one long post I will introduce them one or two at a time. When I decided to do this race, I asked all of my Running Mom friends if any of them could come and pace me for the race. I was shocked to find out that not only one volunteered but a handful said they would come. We now have a solid group of 4 ladies, all moms, all runners, all strong women. Once we had a group they decided that the captain would be Cathy. So it seems fitting to introduce our Captain first. Here she is:

This is Cathy. Our fearless leader. She is from California and has run for just about 3yrs now. She has 5 girls. Yes, I said 5 girls. Her husband Jack is also running Rocky but, he is running the 50 mile race. He has a 100 mile race in March and I think this is sort of a warm up for him. Cathy has been training hard for this. Right now the plan is to have her run the last 17 miles with me. In HS she swam and later on in her 20's she was a bodybuilder. If you know her you have to get her to show you pictures. They are amazing. No wonder her arms make all of the Moms in our group green with envy. I am sure you will hear me talk about Cathy again, in March I am traveling to Modesto to run her first marathon with her. I feel a sense of calm about the race knowing Cathy will be running things, she is so dang organized and awesome. Stay tuned I will introduce the entire crew this week. Only 6 more days til Rocky and a week from this time I will be running in Huntsville, TX. Super excited.
Thanks Cathy for the support of my sister...Good luck with your first marathon this summer.
I wish I could be there. In Cathy's hands you will be awesome! I can't wait to hear the mile-by-mile recap!
Cathy rocks!
Yes she does and we will report back.
thanks to all of you!! all of you rock!!!! thanks reyna, your sister is awesome!!
well, that was cathy that commented, it keeps getting mixed up with emily's account:)
Thank you the entire crew, you are all so wonerful and I know you will help Tara with what ever comes along. You are all GREAT. Tara's Mom
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