Sunday, January 17, 2010

What Makes You Think You Can Do That?

So I was over at a friends house the other day helping her out with a project (we are building her a pantry) and we were talking about plans for an upcoming weekend and I said I couldn't make whatever because I had my big race.  She said something like "so you are going to run 100 miles, through the night" and I said "yep" and then she said "what makes you think you can do that?"   Uhhhhh, WHAT! I am not sure what I said but, it was something about training and what not. Needless to say this has stuck with me for a few days.  You know I don't think I have any friends who have actually questioned if I could do this.  Some might have questioned why I would want to but, not a one has questioned IF I could do it.  Why do I think I can do this?  What makes me think that after training up to only 90 miles a week that I can run 100 miles in 1 day.  Well for starters I am me, I am a Tosta, I don't see obstacles I see goals.  I work hard at almost everything I do and I don't believe there is anything I can't do if I put my mind to it.  I was thinking about how my siblings and I were raised and how we all are super hard workers and we all see goals and not obstacles.  We are a bunch of CAN DO'ers.  I don't think we are super smart, we are smart but not crazy intelligent, we are all just average intellligence and super hard workers and we see the glass as half full.  We are a group of go getters.  My brother for instance has some Junior College credits but for the most part no upper education and yet the guy has built a huge construction company from the ground up and at the same time become a police officer and for a while there a member of SWAT.  He is totally amazing.  And while he isn't an insane runner, I guarantee if you asked him if he could run 100 miles in a month from now he would say "ok."  And he would do it.  The guy can do anything he puts his mind to.  My sister is the same way, she is honestly the best Mom I have ever seen in action, it is amazing.  My Dad used to quote I think Norman Peele, he would say "Shoot for the moon and if you miss you will land amoung the stars." I love that.  He was a firm believer in the power of positive thinking.  He was also a super hard worker, as was his Dad.  I know I am rambling now but the point is: I come from a long line of hard workers who didn't see obstacles they focused on goals.  So to answer my dear friends question of: What makes you think you can do that?  It is because of who I am and how I was raised.  And I am quite proud of that.


Becca said...

Wow...that would have caught anyone off guard to hear that!

Anonymous said...

Of course you can do that!! I have never doubted that you could run 100 miles for one can do anything you set your mind to, lady...and inspire others along the way!!

cathycrisp said...

well, you know how i feel. You can and will run 100 miles. end of story. sadly i even get the why.:) someday....... i am just waiting to find out what your next ultra will be, oh yeah, the 24 hour!!! ok, then after that one!!! i have a feeling you are on to something (BADWATER) was that outloud?:)

cathycrisp said...

think i figured this account , finally, that was my comment above as runnergirl etc. hope this is working:)

tara said...

Thanks ladies, this is the sort of the funny part about the post, all of you have never questioned whether I could do this or not, she was the first to do so. Oh and Cathy, I really hope so, that is the race of my dreams.

Anonymous said...

Wow Tara...well said...we were definitely raised knowing we could do anything. I am so proud of you and yah, cannot believe that anyone (at least anyone who knows you) would question why you would think you could do anything. You would do the race on pure will-power if nothing aside...your mind is THAT strong. xoxo