Since I know no one wants to see a picture of my messed up toes I am inserting a picture of my sweet Chloe drinking water out of my running water bottle. I guess if a toddler can use it so can any grown person while running. Hey maybe that should be the new selling point for this bottle. Not much to post after my long runs this week. I have one toe that is missing skin on the side that rubs with the next toe so it is annoying. Not sure what I am going to do about that on my long run on Tuesday, think I can just gut it up on my 10 milers today and tomorrow but not sure about 20-30 miles. My runs have been off since Wednesday, Doug had surgery on his knee and that kept me chained to the house on Thursday and Friday Chloe decided not to nap and well today Dylan decided to nap while Chloe was napping so, should get to run once I get Chloe down tonight. Last night I tried to run but dang if my hamstring didn't feel funky and there is no way I am risking an injury at this point in the game. I know I am rambling sorry. Super cool thing happened twice this week: I influenced someone to run further than they had previously thought of doing. The first is my running buddy
Bethany, she has now decided to give an ultra a go, yippee, I am so excited about that. She wrote an awesome post about it on her blog. As you will see if you go there, she is a really good writer. The second person is a teacher of Chloe's who hadn't been working out last year when I met her and we got to talking about running one day and well today she told me she did 10 miles last week and thought of me and was so proud. She was bubbling when she told me and dang if that didn't really make me feel good. She also lost 45 lbs in the process. So now I am beginning to think I need to find a way to reach out and encourage others to run and get healthy. I will keep thinking on this and see what I come up with. Have an awesome weekend. Happy Running All!
I am sure this is old news to you, but do you body glide your toes? I body glide the crap out of mine, and I haven't had a blister since! Granted, I'm not running 500 miles a week or anything ;)
Sorry to hear about your toes...ouch!
you know sadly Heather I have heard of that but had forgotten about it so thank you for mentioning it, that might work great pre-blister. Ok once my toes are heeled will give it a go.
That does suck about your toes but it is great to hear what a wonderful influence you had on those people. I think that it is so great that you want to reach out and help others. Sometimes that is all someone needs. Keep up the fantastic work!
I have no advice for your toes, but I do hope you find something for them soon. I know it sucks running with them like that.
You know I am not suprised at all about you inspiring people, you truly are an insparation to us all. I am so proud of Bethany, and think she will be a great Ultra runner. Maybe one day you, Marny, Cathy, and Bethany will do an Ultra togeter. If you all do I will be there for support : )
What can I say, Tara, you're my hero!! :) You're just an inspiring kind of gal...
Boo for your toes. I agree with Heather...Body Glide!!
Thanks Ladies. You all are awesome. Will give the body glide a go. Oh and have to say the toe socks do help right now while the toes are all beaten up. Yay go toe socks.
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