I was reading Jamie Donaldson's Blog yesterday (she won Badwater last year, making her my hero) and she somehow ran like 164 miles for a training week and followed it with some amazing 7mm pace in a 38 mile race the following week. I would love to know what her legs are made of, :). That is just so dang impressive. When I read about these super amazing athletes I always am inspired to push myself just a little more.
Oh and on that note, sort of. Last week I posted about my friend asking me about: What made me think I could run 100 miles, and I was saying it was because of training and who I was. I was thinking about the post later on and I left out my Mom, I mentioned my siblings and my Dad but, I didn't say that I grew up with a Mom who would dive into any task. In fact one thing that I remember from childhood is that once we were landscaping the backyard and we needed some postholes dug, you know my grandmother (maternal) flew out and ran a post hole digger with my Dad. Now if that doesn't make you think women can do anything men can do I don't know what would. So I guess I am saying that growing up I had parents that showed me by example that you can do anything you set your mind to and you can see that reflected in me and my siblings.
Shorts and a T-shirt. Luckyyyy! I wonder what kind of weather TX will bring us on race day?
I hope it is like today, ahhh it was nice.
did you shave for the picture?:) i am teasing you!! you look awesome!!!!!!!
I did shave but it was after the embarrasment of not shaving from the day before so, not for the picture per se.
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