Monday, September 27, 2010

Heartland - Meet the Pacer

Next up on our Meet the Pacer posts is: MARNY AKA MARNYTHON.
Marny has now run two 50 mile races since she was last on the blog.  She paced at Rocky and is back for more.  Note: Anything in purple is something I added.

Name: Marny Scarland

You are a Running Mom so we already know you ROCK! So tell us what running accomplishment you are most proud of.
I am proud of completing my last 50 miler. It was a tough course, and I struggled with some old injuries. I am proud of the mental battle I fought that (eventually, finally) brought me to the finish line.

What do you most look forward to in this race?
I'm really looking forward to helping Tara run under 24 hrs. She might not have stated that as the goal, but I know she wants it, and I know she is VERY capable. Let's make it happen! I think someone knows me too well.

When do you think you are going to do an Ultra (Marny when are you tackling 100)?
Hmm... Maybe 2 years? I've already picked my first 100 (Rocky Raccoon, Thank you Tara for exposing me to that race) but it will be a couple years before I am ready!

What/When is your next race?
I plan to run the Fall Series. 4 local short cross-country races. They are a blast! And she is kind of thinking about Rocky.  Wooot wooot.  Maybe if we are both healthy we could do the 50 miler together.  Now that sounds like an awesome way to spend a weekend.

Anything else we should know about you?
Well Marny may not have much to say about herself but, I can toot her horn.  She is one amazing runner.  She just ran the Run Rabbit Run in Steamboat Springs, CO.  She basically had to run straight up a mountain and of course worse than that, she had to run back down.  All you distance runners know the downhills hurt way worse than the ups.  I can't wait to run with her again.  She was an amazing pacer at Rockey.  Kept playing with run/walk ratios to make me go, kept coming up with new time lines for me to make my goal, kept me focused on the goal not the pain and literally refused to move until I ate something, LOL.  She is one tough cookie and an awesome runner to boot.  I am going to start applying to WS 100 this year and she has already said she will pace when I get in, wooot wooot.  I so look forward to pacing her in her first 100 miler. 


Anonymous said...

Yeah Marny, it is good to know you will be with Tara helping her reach her goals. I am really glad you are part of her crew. Tara's Mom

Unknown said...

WOOT WOOT for Marny. I have heard so many nice things about you. Good luck with your running goals and thank you so much for keeping my sister out of trouble!

Anonymous said...

YAY for Super Gnome!! :D