Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I got a Face Lift

Woooo hoooo, I GOT A FACE LIFT! Well ok I didn't get one personally but, check out this awesome new design for my blog.  I know what you are thinking, how did Tara do that? I didn't.  As most of you know I have 3 step kids who are all older (ages 23, 21, 18).  They are all super smart. Like not on the normal level of smart, above that somewhere.  I can't tell you how smart because when they are all home I only understand about 75% of the dinner conversation, lol.  The oldest two are getting degrees in Electrical Engineering from top Engineering schools.  One is at Cornell and the other UT.  The oldest, Caitlin, came home for spell this summer and said she had taken a Web Design course for fun, then she showed her Dad and I some of the things she had designed and I for one was blown away.  I asked her about the blog and she began talking gibberish, oh wait, she was talking in computer lingo but all I heard was gibberish, lol.  She must have noticed the glazed over look on my face because she quickly offered to make my blog look better herself.  How cool is that?  So now I have a super cool looking blog all thanks to marrying a guy with super smart kids who are nice enough to help out their stepmom :).  The picture is of Chloe and Caitlin this winter.  Somehow can't find a picture of them from this last visit, hmmmm.  Ok enjoy the new look.  Happy Running Everyone!


Unknown said...

OK...seriously AWESOME job on the FACE-LIFT!!! Tell Caitlin...I LOVE IT! The countdown thingy is cool too.


Cheri V said...

cute cute!

tara said...

LOL Reyna, added that for you and Meg.

Daniela Dobson said...

I love it!!!!

Kelly said...

Very nice. I would like them to come here and hook me up. Then maybe they could do the blog entries, since all I seem to be capable of is a FB status update every so often!

I was looking at your race list. I wanted to assist in your record keeping. I believe you did Palace Verdes in 1993. I know we were living together, and I was thinking that you did it around the time that I was graduating. I seem to remember you jetting down to LA, running the marathon with out training, then driving yourself back the same afternoon. We were all so blown away. Sound right?

Anonymous said...

LOVE the face lift!! Can I get the hook up too??

Marny said...

It looks amazing! If YOU only understand 75% of the dinner conversations, those kids are completely off the charts!

Anonymous said...

Love the new look, you are just so stylish. Caitlin you did a great job. Love the count down for the Lone Ranger. XOXO Mom

Unknown said...

Very nice Tara!

Meghann said...

Looks very nice!!

Anna said...

awesome, tara!

Carrie said...

How nice to have a super smart techno girl to give you a "face lift." It looks great!