Monday, October 4, 2010

Meet the Crew - Uncle Ronnie

I don't have a picture or the usual Pacer Questionnaire for our final crew member but, I do have a great story.  You see our final crew member is my 70yr old Uncle.  I am not messing with you.  He will also be running the second to longest leg with me, a 15 miler, right off the top so, I should still be moving pretty good by that point (lets hope, fingers crossed all you loyal readers).  So he has the fastest leg and one of the longest legs.  You have to love family.  He signed up for this gig as soon as he found out I was doing it and has been training hard for it.  He has read the Race Reports, the Race Website, he has even moved his training to gravel roads to make sure he was ready for the terrain.  He is hard core.  He also happens to be one heck of a funny guy and super talkative, I think that makes him just about the perfect pacer.  I know what you are thinking, that running is somehow in the blood lines but, in fact Uncle Ronnie is married to Aunt Dixie who is my Mom's cousin, so technically we share no DNA.  Uncle Ronnie hasn't always been a runner in fact he really got into after he retired (he is a Barber, owed his own shop and well the entire shopping center his shop was located in), now he can consistently win his age group and has worked up to running 12 miles at a 9mm pace.  I am super excited to get to run with him. 

I also wanted to say a special thanks to my Grandma Joyce and to Insurance Specialists (my parents are the owners) because they both helped fund this race.  It was awesome to be able to sign up for a race and not have to worry/think about hotel costs, food costs, gas, etc... Thank you both, I truly appreciate your support.
That is Grandma Joyce on the left.  Doug is in the middle and then Chloe and I.  This is from April in Boston.  Yes, my amazingly supportive Grandma even made the trip to Boston for my marathon.  She is one incredible lady.


Anonymous said...

Woohoo! Go Uncle Ronnie!!!

Unknown said...

WooHoo for FAMILY!!! YAY for Uncle Ronnie, YAY for Insurance Specialists, and YAY for Gramma Joyce!!! With all of them behind you you cannot help but succeed at anything you attempt you little running goddess you!!! xoxo

Marny said...

I can't wait to meet him!