Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Duct Tape - Is it really good for anything/everything?

So this week I got it into my head that I wanted to do more miles than my training plan called for and then, on top of that I decided to hit some trails yesterday. Those trails were frozen solid and apparently every mountain bike rider in Carrollton had hit those trails while they were muddy. You know where I am going with this. The trails frozen into peaks and dang were they tough to navigate. My feet took a beating. I finished up my 20+ miles and got in another 7+ last night but by this morning my blisters hurt. If I were even partially sane this might have made me skip my 30 mile run today but alas it only made me think: Yippee perfect opportunity to try out duct tape on the toes. So I popped the few blisters I could. For some reason the ones under big callouses were too hard to get to. Any who, I popped the ones I could and then put some goop on the blisters and duct taped the toes. Now I think this would have worked great but, somehow with the goop on the duct tape didn't stick well so, next time going to use bigger pieces and make sure duct tape is overlapping duct tape on the top of the toe. Right now my toes don't feel so hot but ehhhhh who cares, got 58 miles in the last 48hrs so I am happy as a clam. Going to take tomorrow off. Happy Running all. I am actually beginning to like this cold weather running.


Marny said...

I've always wondered about duct taping blisters. Hope it works out better next time. i love that you still bother to paint your toenails! I vote Purple!

Becca Sue Congdon said...

I'd go with red nail polish, since Valentine's day is coming up next month. :)

tara said...

Marny, I think where I went wrong is that I had so much goop that it came up around the top of the tape once I got running and I don't think less goop is the answer because dang if it doesn't hurt to pull duct tape off of a blister so will try overlapping the tape on the top of my toes and see. I get these blisters most often, between my toes where one toe rides on top of the pad of the next toe so maybe I should just begin the race with the tape on before i have blisters and have to apply goop.

tara said...

Becca, Some reason I always think of you as Sue? The red for that reason sounds great could add some sparkle red I have as the top layer. We will see if it wins :)

Jill said...

Hey, duck tape works for everything else, why not blisters, too!! I voted for the purple polish cuz I'm just a pink and purple girl...but I do like the idea of red for Valentine's Day. Congrats on all the miles. Wow!!!

tara said...

Thanks Jill and have to agree with you duct tape does fix just about everything. We will see how it goes on the toes next time.

Becca said...

I've never heard of duct tape on toes...hey- whatever works!