The Boston Marathon is the world's, yes world's oldest marathon, now that is super cool. I think around 38,000 people get to run it each year or something like that. You have to qualify to run it, well I think there are some spots left open for sponsors and fund raising people but most people qualify to run it. Women didn't get to run in it until 1972, the year before I was born. There was one woman who ran it before that by sneaking in. From what I have read and seen on TV it is a great course with great crowds the entire way. There is one place on the course between miles 20 and 21 called Heartbreak hill. It is named after all of the lungs,hearts and legs it has abused over the years, meaning there is a hill about 1/2 mile long at just the point in a marathon where your body doesn't want to go anymore. So basically it sucks :). Dang I am eloquent.
Here is where I am going with all of this. I CAN'T BELIEVE I GET TO RUN BOSTON! My mind is screaming. I know I won't win, won't place in the top of my age group but who cares. I get to run Boston. Last night I had a dream about running it, today on my run I just kept going over and over how awesome it was going to feel to run this race. Now I have to admit, I am a tiny bit scared. I know lame. But I want to PR and that means I have to go out hard and, well honestly running fast isn't my thing. I don't necessarily thrive off of the pain of running fast, I enjoy nice long runs. So it is going to hurt, so that is that. I am a tiny bit scared of a hill that has been named "Heartbreak Hill" that just doesn't sound good. I am a tiny bit scared of letting people down that are traveling there to watch me and the girls that will be watching my progress via updates from the race. But most of all: I am super PUMPED. I am so excited. I need to simmer down a little but dang, who in a million years would have thought I would qualify and get to run Boston? Not me. In my 20's my fastest marathon was a 4:20 now my fastest marathon is a BQ time. For all of you runners out there dreaming of Boston one day, trust me, you can do it. I have one last long training run this week (The Big D marathon on Sunday) and then taper for 8 days. Yay!!! Happy Running All. I will try not to pop with excitement before race day. 

you are going to rock it!!! and i am right along there with you bursting with excitement because my friend, Ultara, PEA, and just Tara is running BOSTON!!!!!! I am not leaving this chair while you are running , I hope my neighbors don't call the police for a wild and crzay lady yelling GO TARA GO at the top of her lungs!!!! woo hoo!!!! CATHY(NOT SURE IF THIS WILL POST MY NAME OR NOT)
Yaaayy for Boston! I am SO excited for you! Don't worry about letting anyone down. Just run your race, go hard, do your best and the spirit of Boston will carry you to that PR. I know you can do it!
SO freakin' excited for you! Just that you are getting to run Boston is just so amazing!! Don't worry about letting anyone down. Everyone is so proud of you! You continue to inspire us with every step you take. GO TARA GOOOOO!!!
yippe!!! u won't let me down...u were already my hero when u qualified, and nothing u do after will change that...but i still think u'll rock it!
WOOT WOOT....that "heartbreak hill" thing doesn't sound good, but if anyone can will herself up it it is you dear sister.
You all really know how to pump a girl up. I am super excited, can't wait to tell you all about the race. If I decide to run with my pack maybe I will take my camera, might as well. hummmm.
go UlTara go!!
i'm so psyched for you! oh, i wished i was going up to cheer for you...it's been a while since i cheered @ boston.
don't worry about that hill or the miles. there are people out - it feels like the whole state is out (it is a day off there, you know) - screaming & cheering for everyone. it's like a party. and when you head through the streets of boston, it'll be beautiful & the crowds will make you fly!
I'm so excited for you! You'll do great!
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