Overall: The race was awesome. The course was well marked until night time and for some reason by the wee hours of the morning the glow sticks had run out and it was tough to know if you were still on the right track. There was tons of mud. And this was the hilliest "flat" course I have ever ran. It wasn't super hilly but if you are going to call something "flat" then I would imagine most runners would think it was absent of hills, not the case. It was well organized and the other runners were awesome.
What Worked: The crew. Man, my crew ROCKED this race. They were all over it. If you are going to do 100 miles you need to find yourself a couple of awesome people to crew for you. I couldn't have finished the race without them, in fact I might be still sleeping the woods somewhere if not for Tracey leading me to an Aid Station. My nutrition plan was pretty good to go but I should have had an alternative to Ensure, it started to mess up my stomach and when I dropped it out of the plan I also dropped all of my protien, which none of us realized until the next morning. Injinji Socks were the bomb digity, used them and blister shield and my feet are looking pretty good considering all of the mud puddles and hills and what not. Hydration Pack was perfect.
What Needs Work: Nutrition (mentioned above). I need to train harder for the next one (yes, I said next one). I need a better run/walk plan (or to use one at all especially in the beginning). Need warmer clothes for the middle of the night.
Ok, lets get long winded: Here is a picture of me at packet pick up. I was so psyched to find I got a fleece jacket for the race instead of a shirt. It is awesome, wearing it now. All of the girls were taking pictures so I felt like a super star. It was great.
Race Morning: We all got up around 3:50am to be on the road by 4:15, I somehow woke up on my own at 3:45 and made coffee and waited for Cathy's alarm to go off. We left our hotel picked up Jack (Cathy's DH) and headed to the course. The race began at 6am but, they told us a million times that parking would be an issue and none of us wanted issues on race morning so we got there early and waited for the gates to open. We parked and then of course being super nevous and type A I had to move the car once I figured out we could get closer. Why I didn't just have Tracey drive is beyond me, she would have driven around and found a close spot to begin with for sure. Lesson learned there: don't let super nervous first time 100 mile runner drive to the race :). We went to check in (at ultras you have to check in before the race so they know who is on the course at all times). In line to check in I reallly felt the nerves start to kick in, all of these people around me were talking about all of the ultras they had run and I was beginning to feel ansy plus all the driving the day before had made my back super achy. After Jack and I checked in we went back to the car and just sat in there until closer to race time, Cathy handed me a card with a coin in it that said "shoot for the moon" of course I almost started crying. Then I got in the back changed into my race gear and began to frantically tell the ladies one more time all about my gear. I was getting hyper and nervous by this point. Tracey wisely took hold of the situation asked a few questions, gave me a different flash light and walked me to the start. Jack and I (see picture below) went into the starting area together and nervously chatted as we waited for the start. It was amazing there were all of these people all geared up, some howling, waiting to charge onto the course.

2nd Loop: I ran the first 6 or so miles by myself. But, I saw Jamie Donaldson. yep, she was already on her way finishing the 2nd loop as I was running out on it. So I did what any crazy fan would do: I shouted "Jamie Donaldson" she looked and I said "You are my idol." What? That was all I could think of, :). It was awesome to see her flying by. Just after Damn Road and I ran into Marisol, well I sort of tripped into her. As I ran by her I tripped over a root, and stuff went flying from my pack, she helped me put it back in. We ran the next 6 miles together. She was awesome, she is a chiropractor and yoga instructor who lives in LA. She runs ultras all the time but this was her first 100 as well. We chatted the whole time we were together it was great. Oh and she knows and runs with Barefoot Ted. I don't remeber anything else super exciting about this loop. Ran it in just under 4hrs as well. When I got to the aid station Marny was gone but Bethany was there and so was Cathy. Nice to meet Bethany. Tracey took my pack and Bethany and Cathy took me to the gear. I hit the head, I drained a blister and duct taped it, we refilled my food and I headed back out.
3rd Loop: Boring!!! I was pretty much solo the entire loop, thought about walking until Marisol caught back up. But instead I put on my Ipod and jammed my way through those 20 miles knowing I got to run with Marny at the end. 3rd loop took just over 4hrs. Ladies were waiting, Tracey did her thing, Marny was ready for me, we changed me into compression tights (thanks ladies, they had to help me pull them on but, as promised, I had shaved :)) I also grabbed a vest and my warmer hat for my pack and gloves.
4th Loop: Marny is a Rock Star. She was awesome. We took off out of the aid station and I had forgotten something, man she was on the phone, called the crew and they met us at the next aid station. I was totally amped to see her and I think that adrenaline kept me going for the first few miles but dang I really felt bad for her as the night wore on. Somewhere after Damm Road we added my ski hat. It was getting cold. For a while all I would do is walk but, finally Marny got me going on a good run/walk pace that was working for me, I am pretty sure she tried a few different intervals until she found one that would work. We began to realize if I kept it up there was a still a chance to break 24 hrs (I didn't but, there was chance). She said 20 miles is a long way to pace someone, she had to constantly be watching where she was going and checking on me and checking time and asking me if I was eating and drinking and doing the same for herself. But, I promise to pay her back when she does 100. This loop took over 5hrs. Tracey was waiting to run with me when we got in, someone filled my pack, someone else helped me find the gear I needed. Marny tried to massage my legs a tiny bit and put some biofreeze on them but, I think my legs were gonners by this point.

Cathy and I finishing the race up. I was so dang happy I can't even put it in words. Oh and Bethany, you were right I should have changed gloves at the Aid Station mine were soaking wet, hadn't noticed.

You are a one tough Mother Runner!!! What an inspiration!!!
You did it!! Run walk or crawl, you never gave up and that is pure awesomness! Jimmi
LOVE IT...I will definitely return to re-read. Such a great journey. I cannot even imagine all you learned about yourself on this adventure...and how many crazy songs went through your head...you know how we like our crazy songs..."THE RED HOGGGGGSSS".
Thanks for posting...and I am anxiously awaiting the crew stories.
Tara, you did a great job, I loved reading every word. I can't wait to read what your crew has to say. L/Mom
Tara, Awesome job! And great post. Many times reading it, I got tears in my eyes for you and the crew. What an experience. And what an accomplishment for you. WAY to GO!
Thanks everyone. It was honestly just an awesome experience and the crew was beyond amazing. I am one lucky girl. Oh and Reyna, nice that is one song I failed to sing during my 28hrs, :), wonder why?
you are a complete inspiration! i can't imagine all the determination it took to keep on running...never quit! jill (momma2claire)
Chuck!!! I am so proud of you!!! How awesome! Thanks for the detailed account - I felt like I was there -- I would have been on your support team ;-) much love, Chuck #2
Oh, wow, all I am thinking when did she have time to write all this up. Awesome story and I can't even imagine! I learned a ton of new stuff just now. Awesome job!!!!!!! So proud of you.
Thanks for sharing this with all of us. You are amazing and inspiring. Megan
Thanks all of this support is making me want to stop stuffing my face with cookies and go for a run :). Chuck, dang it would be fun to run one of these with you.
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