Say What...A Gazelle? In my mind I see certain runners as Gazelles, some people have a gift and it just looks so beautiful as they float by. I am finding that this area is full of Gazelles, it is awesome. So the other day I was running along and this guy that I pass (by pass I mean we run by each other) almost everyday wasn't running with his usual buddy and yelled out "you training for something?" I say "yes." And then I decided I had to know more about this gazelle so, I did a u-turn and began running with this guy. I had noticed before as he ran by that his muscles have muscles and assumed that he was an ultra runner (boy was I wrong). Turns out his name is Francis and he is way way way more nuts than I am. LOL. Well nuts and super duper amazing. He runs on a level I can only dream of. He not only works hard but is gifted and as you know that combination makes for one outstanding runner. Ole Francis is 46 yrs old and runs a mile in 4:30 give or take 5s, he was quite embarrassed of that number and reminded me multiple times that he is older. WHAT?????????????? Dude who says they run a 4:30 and is embarrassed? Nuts, way nuts. We continued talking and I find out his 5k time is 15min flat. WTF!! Ok and here is where he blew my mind. He doesn't do any and I mean any, none, nada, zero, zip, zilch, no speed work. He runs Long and Slow everyday, no days off, around 100 miles a week every single week. He got this idea from legendary New Zealand running coach named Arthur Lydiard. Lydiard made all of his runners even his sprinters have a base of 100 miles a week. Ok back to Francis, he considers a taper taking a day off the day before the race and yes he races. He regularly competes in the top races for masters around the US. Of course he does he can run a 15 min 5k. I had such a good time running with him. Oh and the bonus: His normal running buddy is a legendary ultra runner. She has one VT100 three times. So definitely need to track them down someday soon and get more stories.
Arthur Lydiard legendary New Zealand coach
Had an awesome run with Francis and a ridiculously great week of running. Hit 102 miles last week and felt great. I took the weekend off and am back at it this week.
That's amazing! Good job on the 100+ week. I just made a training goal to get 100 mile weeks this summer. Hope I can make it happen!
wow. super cool. and good job on the 102!
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