Friday, January 28, 2011

Pulling the Plug

This week I went for a run.  The Doc said to go for it, he even said I could go as far as 8 miles (even to my ears that sounded nuts, who runs 8 miles your first run back after an injury, if I know that is stupid, it must be really bad advice, lol).  I told him I would try 5 (ummmmm, ya because 5 is so much smarter than 8, bahahahaha). The next morning  Doug and I dropped Chloe off at school and headed to our favorite trail (which also happens to be the only trail in this area).  We start down the first trail  and my left leg is SCREAMING but my foot doesn't hurt and then WHAMMMO! It SCREAMS at me: "WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME."  My foot was shot after 1 measly mile. We walked all the way back to the car.  I was so bummed.  I knew at that moment that Rocky was a really truly bad idea.  If it hurt to run one mile then I was going to run all 50 miles with my foot screaming, which I can do and have done but, I have to question how smart that is.  So I pulled the plug.  I am not going to race Rocky or even run it.  I am going to lay off until this sucker doesn't hurt anymore.  I have to.  I love running to much to totally screw up my foot. 

In other news we now have a closing date set for next week.  We should be packed up and on our way to CT next week at this time.  It is going to be quite a change and I am so sad to leave my friends here but I so look forward to seeing more of Doug.  Oh and I am super psyched about our new house, it is our dream home.  We are so lucky to have found it.  When I do get back up and running I will be treated to miles and miles of trails right out my front door. 

Happy Running All! 


AbigailRuns said...

I'm so sorry your run didn't go as planned, but you made the right decision to wait until you are completely healed. Congrats on your new home! You are going to have so much fun running those trails!

A Prelude To... said...

Sorry that the race is not going to happen. I think it's so smart of you to hold off, though. It's just not worth it to prolong the healing or to make the injury permanent.

Good luck with your move.

Marny said...

Good choice on resting the foot! I am SO excited about all the trails you'll get to run in CT. All this time off the foot will pay off when you're running through amazing scenery on soft trails (which will probably be a bit kinder to your feet). Woohooo!

Anonymous said...

I am so very thankful you listened to your body, you have a very full plate right now(as always). Let me know if you need me to be anywhere to help out. Has the doctor given you nay idea on how long you need to rest the foot and leg? XOXO

Anonymous said...

I totally feel your pain....almost literally. I don't know if I'll be racing in March, either. :( Good for you for making a smart decision!!

Nursing Stroller-Pushing Marathoner said...

I am so impressed that you are taking the time off to properly recover. I know that was a hard decision and will be well worth it. Meanwhile, so excited you're moving to the East Coast!

Unknown said...

Well that'll teach me to miss a blog post. I didn't know that your foot is this messed up right now Tara. I am sooo sorry.

Looking forward to having you all closer to our neck of the woods! Love you.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Good for you to continue to listen to what your body needs! It is a very exciting time with the move and nice to get closer to family. Will miss you in TX!