Wednesday, December 30, 2009
No Resolutions Just Goals
I don't really do New Year's resolutions but, I do love a good goal. My first goal is always to be the best wife and mom I can be. Love my family. On the running front; my goals this year are to finish my 1st 100 mile race (Rocky Raccoon 100miles) it would rock to finish under 24 hrs but, I will take any time as long as I finish. Don't care if I have to shuffle, walk or crawl to the finish as long as I cross that line. Secondly I would like to run the Boston Marathon faster than my qualifying time. Guess that means speed work and hills are in my future, yuck! And double yuck! Beyond that I would really like to run a marathon with my good friend Cathy (a marathon virgin) and well I sort of have it in the back of my head that I would like to try out a 24hr race. I think that pretty much sums up this year’s goals so far, I am sure I will add to them as the year gets underway and progresses.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Adam Fitzgerald: A Journey From Hospital to Hope
I just read this on one of my favorite running sites and all I can say is wow! If you are looking for some inspiration this is your guy, if he can do it so can you :). Happy Running.Adam Fitzgerald: A Journey From Hospital to Hope
middle name:).
I worry that the amount of time I spend running is taking away from the time and energy I should/could be giving to Chloe but, then part of me knows that the running makes me a better mom. Running gives me an outlet, a place to just go be happy and work out any issues. On many of my long runs I end up thinking about how lucky I am. I don't think life has always been so easy for me I have had my struggles but, I have really come to a place that makes me happy. I adore/love/cherish/treasure my husband and daughter. I love that while running 30 miles my mind wanders to how happy I am and how lucky I am. I guess the bottom line is: I am one lucky girl and running makes me the best me I can be.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
These Aren't Your Mom's Tights
This week has been great. I went from last week where, I had to work for my miles and thought my legs were going to fall off or go on strike to this week where, I just had time for some great runs. Last night I made it to 81 miles so I knew going into toady's run that I could make my goal of 90 miles for the week but, I thought my legs were going to be tired. So as I set out on my 9+ mile run I wasn't sure what to expect. The temp said it was 36 feels like 31 so, I put on my new compression tights (seen above, I would have taken a picture of me in them but, dang they are so tight they might as well be see through :)). I almost have to wrestle with the suckers to get them on (sorry in advance to my pacers for Rocky if you have to help me get them on, it ain't going to be pretty but, I do promise to shave). As I headed out on my run I felt like a million bucks, dang my legs felt fresh, my ipod was going and I had on my favorite hat, come on does life get any better? Oh and the first song up was: Cotton Eyed Joe, now you know I was running down the street singing at the top of my lungs, in the tightest tights you have ever seen, with a hat that has a pom pom on top and a jacket that is nearly neon green, it was AWESOME. My poor neighbors. I ran the entire run feeling like I was flying it was great. Runners high from start to finish. 9.3 miles in 1:17 at the end of a 90 mile week, all I can say to that is Yipppeee and I love my tights oh and well of course the song Cotton Eyed Joe (seriously you have to check out the song and the lady tap dancing to it, for some reason that really cracks me up when I am running).
Oh and one note about the pants: I did try them last week for recovery instead of my socks and they didn't work as well as the socks so they are definately going to be just for running for me. They were great.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Avocado Pesto Tomatoes
Yummy. I am that annoying person you invite over for a meal that has an allergy so it is impossible to cook anything (sorry to all that have invited me over) so, this year for my neighbors annual party she had me make my own appetizer. I decided to try out a new recipe. You can see here the finished product. Basically I hollowed out 60 cherry tomatoes, let them drain. Made the filling by blending avocadoes with pesto and a bit of cream cheese and then filled the tomatoes. They were fun to make although not sure I would ever make that many again and they were tasty little bites. If you want the recipe let me know. I love trying out new recipes. Generally when Doug is home I try out one new recipe a week. Thank goodness Doug and Dylan will eat almost anything, they are real troopers. So far Chloe is hit or miss on my crazy concoctions.
All Compressed
Edit: I found out more info on the sock and well I may have been incorrect when I said the brand didn't matter. See below this is directly from Recovery Sock.
Technical Features
A few of the functional components The Recovery Sock® offers include:
Graduated Compression Technology (GCT)
Unlike other compression socks, The Recovery Sock® utilizes a Patented GCT ( Patent # 6,092,397). GCT means tighter compression in the foot and ankle area and a gradual decrease in compression as it travels up the leg over the calf. GCT causes an upward flow of blood helping to get un-oxygenated blood out of the leg, replacing it with fresh oxygenated blood. This is not only speeds recovery after workouts, hence The Recovery Sock®, but also enhances workout and race performance. Athletes in long distance competitions, especially marathons, have found them particularly beneficial.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Found: One set of runner's legs
So as I posted before last week was a horrible week for me running wise. It just took all of my will power to make myself get out there and get my miles. I had to walk some miles, I had to shuffle some miles and really I didn't feel like I truly ran any of the miles. Then I finally got a day off; Friday. Saturday's 16.1 miles made me want to jump for joy. My legs were back. Oh did it feel good to just run. I was able to hold my pace between 8:30-9:00 min/mile the entire way and the last few miles were sub 8. It felt great. I wish it were easier to just adjust days off and take a day when needed earlier in the week but, I know all of you know how it is. You get your miles when you have the chance. I have to work around when Chloe is in school or Doug is in town to watch Chloe or she is asleep so sometimes I find myself running when all I really need is a day off. I think I really learned to push myself last week and I am so happy to have my legs back. Love a good run.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Does TOYF = JM's (Hope Not)
Say What? Somehow since I can't decipher any of the texts these days because of acronyms, I thought this was funny. Oh the things I think of while running for hours on end and nibbling on energy blasts. So my question is: Does Time on Your Feet = Junk Miles? I wonder because some say that for your first ultra (ok this isn't my first but it is my first 100 miles) just get time on your feet, and others profess that junk miles are worthless. If those two statements were to simultaneously be true then Time on Your Feet couldn't be the same as Junk Miles, right? But somehow I think they are actually differing points of view on how to train for an ultra. Up until this point in my Rocky Training (100 mile race in Feb) I have been pounding through my mileage, and feeling great. So no Junk Miles so to speak and really using a mileage based training plan not Time on Your Feet. This week however I feel like this:
I meant for this to look like I was running in sand. Boy are my legs just fatigued. It is hard to get in my mileage must less be motivated to run at all this week. Oh don't be disheartened I have still managed to get in over 40 miles in the past 2 1/2 days but, dang have they been tough miles to get. And I keep wondering if they are considered junk miles. I have had to walk, I have shuffled along at a pathetic pace, I have walked some more, shuffled, walk, you get where I am going with this cadence. It ain't pretty folks. So are these miles useful? I am after all getting the Time On my Feet even if it is at some subpar pace. Upon reflection (you have a lot of time for that when running slow and trying to get in 70 miles for the week) I think I am so zonked because of last week’s training. I had two runs that were over 26.2 miles in length and a 20 mile day; I think that somehow just zapped my legs more than I thought it would. So for the first time in this round of training I have to really work to get my miles and you know what: I have no idea if these miles will pay off physically but they will mentally. I really have to gut it up and get out there and I think that is great for training. There is definitely going to be a point in 100 miles where I don't want to run and I think this week is helping me train for just that. So instead of being totally bummed about my running this week I am going to see it as the perfect training experience for what is to come. Oh and one final thought: What is a junk mile? At this distance I think a mile is a mile is a mile, it is about getting there. I have 30hrs to cover 100 miles; I am bound to walk at some point, so I think this is all good training.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
What Was I Thinking?
I have read plenty of ultra blogs now where the person runs back to back ultras and somehow their bodies are fine with it. They just go out and run 100 miles one weekend and hit the trails for another 50-100 the following weekend. I have no idea how you get to be that good. What I do know is that I am sitting here typing this and I am exhausted, not even sure my rock'in pink recovery socks can save my legs. And all I did was run 83.9 miles this week. I began my week with a 27.2 mile run which was ok but it was in the rain so it wasn't my most favorite run and so the week went, then came today, Sunday, The White Rock Marathon. Why did I sign up for this race a second time, why? Last time there wasn't food or water at the end and there wasn't this time either, last time parking was a pain and this time I had to ditch my car in downtown Dallas and run to the American Airlines Arena to make the start. So that was my morning I began my race stressed out about my car and getting to the starting line and then by mile oh lets be generous and say 5 I realized that the almost 60 miles I had already put in this week really had my legs tired. But, you know what I think this was a great training experience. My legs were super tired and I just had to keep on keepin on and I think that is what the 100 miles will feel like. I just got in my groove running about a 9:30 min. per mile pace and kept on going. The spectators were awesome. I am always in awe of just how many people turn out to cheer others on, it is really great. And well the Dolly Parton’s Hills aid station was once again my favorite, everyone needs a good laugh at mile 19.5 and if men dressed up like Dolly don't make you laugh nothing will. So I guess all in all it was a great training experience but if I say I am doing this race again would one of you please kick me. I think what it comes down to is I really like the smaller marathons where there are tons of local runners and everyone is social and just jogs along telling their story. I really miss that at these big races.
Errrrrrrrrr Garmin
This little beauty was a gift from my brother last year for Christmas. Yes, I have a wonderful brother and no, he doesn't need anymore sisters, I asked last year and he said he was good. At first I loved my Garmin. She showed me my pace, could yell at me if I was over or under my pace, could change up screens so that I had just the data I wanted. Oh how I loved her then...a trip to VT in the winter happened and apparently my little Garmin 405 doesn't care for cold weather, she went nuts, freezing on a stupid compass screen, going haywire during runs, turning off, etc... She did make a semi come back that is until summer hit and I began to sweat (I really just glisten) and somehow sweat hitting the electrodes on the back of this sucker send it into a tizzy, we are talking denying a pregnant woman chocolate kind of tizzy. So I call up Garmin and they told me I am not the only having this problem and to wear a sweat band under it. Oh so now you can spot me I am the ding dong wearing this watch with a bright blue sweat band underneath. They also recommended I download all of the updates and get them on the watch, which only took my trusty IT guy (wonderful husband Doug) oh about half of a day. And still today I head to my marathon with a little dew in the air and Garmin freezes on me, and then the dreaded compass appears. Not to worry folks I found out today if you hold the two buttons at the same time for like an hour (slight exageration) it powers the watch down and when it came back up I was ready to rock and roll. But today marked the third race where my Garmin has gone haywire during the race, I find that super annoying. My recommendation is get another model this one is just too aggravating.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Oh my babies, ok they are really my running shoes but, had to post this obnoxious photo of them all lined up. And sadly pairs B and C are missing from this photo. This is my current set of shoes. They are all the same shoe: Mizuno Wave Rider 12. 
Over the past 1 1/2 yrs I have bought 6 pairs of them. Each pair is labeled with a letter. I then track the mileage of that pair on my running log. When a pair reaches its expiration it gets donated. well except for the A's I keep them around for short tread mill runs. Currently D,E and F are in rotation. You only really need two pair in rotation if you ask me but, I just got F's because I wanted to break them in before crunch time and well poor D's are almost at their life end. With me anyway. My awesome friend Liz picks up my nasty old shoes and takes them to a donation site. I really wish shoes lasted longer. They seem to go so fast. Well so this answers the question that people like to ask about how many shoes I go through. The answer is a lot. Especially with my mileage so high right now. I think some folks who run in motion control shoes rotate brands they wear but since mine are neutral I don't really see the purpose and well I love them.
Over the past 1 1/2 yrs I have bought 6 pairs of them. Each pair is labeled with a letter. I then track the mileage of that pair on my running log. When a pair reaches its expiration it gets donated. well except for the A's I keep them around for short tread mill runs. Currently D,E and F are in rotation. You only really need two pair in rotation if you ask me but, I just got F's because I wanted to break them in before crunch time and well poor D's are almost at their life end. With me anyway. My awesome friend Liz picks up my nasty old shoes and takes them to a donation site. I really wish shoes lasted longer. They seem to go so fast. Well so this answers the question that people like to ask about how many shoes I go through. The answer is a lot. Especially with my mileage so high right now. I think some folks who run in motion control shoes rotate brands they wear but since mine are neutral I don't really see the purpose and well I love them.
Gear: My Trusty Hydration Pack
I get this question a lot: "What do you do for food and water on your long runs." The answer is my North Face Flight Series Hydration Pack. I posted pictures so I could explain what I love so much about it. The bottom picture shows the chest strap, it adjusts up and down, so the ladies (you know which two I speak of) don't have to get squashed. It has a waist strap too and most of the time I use it but sometimes I don't and it seems to be fine either way. The pack holds about 2liters of water. Then those two net bags you see (top picture) are super handy for nutrition. I can reach into them without taking my pack off, so while I am running down the road I can just reach around back and grab lets say a RC treat. I did however have to search high and low for a water bottle that was skinny enough to fit in one of the net bags. I use that when I want to mix up a drink, oh not that kind, you know Gatorade or Perpetum or something. So what I would say if you are looking for a pack is find one that adjusts down to a woman's frame and that has adjustable chest straps and dang the outside pockets are handy. Oh sorry forgot to mention it does have a compartment in back which has been great for everything from my cell phone to a small jacket.

Nutrition for the Raccoon

It took me a good month to get back into running after the Grasslands but, after that I was back on track. Doug, Chloe and I had taken a trip to Germany and running there finally got me back to feeling like myself. I ran some races, a few 5K's mostly and won in my age group which is always fun and in one 5K won the whole thing, that was super fun since I would not say I am a fast runner by any means. So what happened? I was talking to my fellow running moms and my only real goal at the time was Boston marathon in April and I got to thinking that I needed to do another ultra. Cathy (running mom) said her husband was thinking about doing the Rocky Raccoon 50miler in 2010 and suddenly I knew what I had to do. The next day I signed up for my first 100 mile race. I posted a note to all of my Running Mom friends and asked who could come and help me out. I found a training plan or two and got to work. I couldn't believe that my running mom friends were willing to come help out but, 5 of those amazing women signed up to come and stay up all night and run in the woods with me, if that isn't friendship I don't know what is. My training has been going well, I am up to 80+ miles this week and am starting to feel pretty dang great.
Blisters and Busted Socks

Friday, December 11, 2009
Grasslands 50 Miler - March 2009

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