Current List of Registrants
Note: If you name is listed more than once you registered with amount that was for more than one entry so I assume you registered for a family member or friend. Let me know the names of those folks and I will switch them out or if the extra was a donation: THANK YOU and let me know so I can take you off of some entries. Also if you aren't listed but have paid please let me know and I will get you on. Some folks ran into a glitch and had to register through the donation page rather than register page and I can't see those names. If that is you, let me know.
Last Updated June 28th @ 0530 | ||
Name | Time | Number for Raffle |
Lora Ackerman | 53 | 153 |
Justin Ackerman | 53 | 154 |
Leighanna Ackerman | 53 | 155 |
Julie Adams-Post | ||
Hallie Addington | ||
Jason Addington | ||
Avery Addington | ||
Sierra Allen | ||
Rebecca Alwine | 42:30 | 182 |
Jennifer Anderson | Finished | 287 |
Richard Anderson | Finished | 288 |
Donna Annese | 45 | 191 |
Matthew Annese | 45 | 192 |
Tallia Annese | 45 | 193 |
Divina Arpino | ||
Giulia Arpino | ||
Diego Arpino | ||
Natalia Arpino | ||
Tonia Ashline | ||
Penny Ashton | 50 | 138 |
Grace Ashton | 50 | 139 |
Ann Atkinson | ||
Emily Barnett | 32:50 | 46 |
Bethany Becker | 22:41 | 126 |
CAB Becker | Finished | 127 |
Cindy Behne | 52:00 | 132,133 |
Cynthia Berglund | 53:47 | 125 |
Dakoda Bird | dnf | |
Beverly Bishop | Finished | 224 |
Cheree Blaker-Walsh | ||
Martha Bloom | Finished | 110,117 |
Matthew Bloom | Finished | 111,116 |
Isabel Bloom | Finished | 112,115 |
Amanda Bloom | Finished | 113,114 |
Emily Bloom | Finished | 157,158 |
Gregg Bonn | ||
Mitchell Bourdeau | Finished | 163,165 |
Katherine Bourdeau | Finished | 164,166 |
Elizabeth Breiner | ||
Elizabeth Breiner | ||
Elizabeth Breiner | ||
Mark Bures | 30:14 | 217 |
Kyriana Bures | 30:14 | 218 |
Jeffrey Cairns | Finished | 59,62 |
Emily Cairns | Finished | 60,63 |
Alex Cairns | Finished | 61,64 |
Cristi Carricato | Finished | 293 |
Danielle Carson | ||
Judy Carson | 70 | 148 |
Douglas Carroll | 22:41 | 58 |
Chloe Carroll | DNF | |
Stephanie Cathers | Finished | 219 |
Sarah Cavallo | ||
Jason Chandler | 30:17 | 65,66 |
Jimmi Clairmont | 25:36 | 282 |
Jason Clairmont | DNF | |
David Cole | ||
Jessica Collins | Finished | 284,285 |
Michele Collins | Finished | 289,290 |
Terri Colonna | ||
Alissa Conn | 29:30 | 49 |
Mary Cornell | 65 min | 3 |
Mary Cornell | 65 min | 2 |
Mama C | 70 | 142 |
Ubergeek C | 70 | 143 |
Bug C | 70 | 144 |
Grandma C | 70 | 145 |
Bean C | 70 | 146 |
Grandpa C | 70 | 147 |
Nicole Cozad | 24:10 | 225,226 |
Chris Cozad | 24:10 | 227,228 |
Kerry Cracknell | 31:41 | 294 |
Cathy Crisp | 31:04 | 273 |
Ronda Darling | 30:10 | 36,37 |
Liz Day | Finished | 86, 87 |
Jennifer DeMaria | 36:20 | 237 |
Sam Dickin | Finished | 118,121 |
Molly Dickin | Finished | 119,122 |
Sandra Dickin | Finished | 120,123 |
Diane Diekmann | Finished | 6 |
Bubba Diekmann | Finished | 7 |
Julia Diekmann | Finished | 8 |
Joe Diekmann | Finished | 9 |
Jason Dooley | Finished | 175,178 |
Kristy Dooley | Finished | 176,177 |
Stephanie Drew | 50:30 | 181 |
Kristin Dubois | ||
Nicole Duckworth | 25 | 235,236 |
Eddie Duckworth | 25 | 233,234 |
Jacob Duckworth | 25 | 231,232 |
Natalie Duckworth | 25 | 229,230 |
Amanda Dudley | 48 min | 23 |
Maria Duvall | ||
Maria Duvall | ||
Amber Farmer | 25:53 | 214, 223 |
Rea Fawcett | Finished (First Ever) | 128 |
Carl Fawcett | DNF | |
Verna Fawcett | DNF | |
Ellie Fincham | ||
Misty First | FINISHED | 274 |
Agnes Flanagan | ||
Dan Forcier | 36 | 185,188 |
Rhonda Forcier | 36 | 186,187 |
Christine French | 35:06 | 33, 47 |
Jenah Friend | Finished | 174 |
Jerry Furber | ||
Tara Gabler | Finished | 195,196 |
Jason Gabler | Finished | 194,197 |
Ben Gabryshak | 35:00 | 50 |
Beth Gar | Finished | 53 |
Cynthia Gasparro | Finished | 11 |
David Gasparro | Finished | 12 |
Eric Gasparro | Finished | 13 |
Andrew Gasparro | Finished | 14 |
Christy Gerdes | 24:17 | 44,45 |
Trish Gibbs | ||
Jennifer Gilwee | 48 | 204,211 |
John Gilwee | 48 | 205,210 |
Daughter Gilwee | 48 | 206,209 |
Daughter Gilwee | 48 | 207,208 |
Amy Golodetz | ||
Pam Gordon | 34:24 | 85 |
Paige Greiner | 27:09 | 102 |
Marcus Grimm | Finished | 239,240 |
Halley Haack | 36:08 | 162 |
Natasha Hadfield | 42:10 | 202,203 |
Dustin Heat | 30 | 267,268 |
Megann Heath | 34 | 269,270 |
Ryan Heaton | 23:54 | 88 |
Olli Heikkinen | 27:30 | 160,161 |
Candice Hope | 42:11 | 301,302 |
Candice Hope’s Husband | Finised | 303 |
Denise Hopkins | 2:30:00 | 48, 55 |
Laura Houston | ||
Jim Houston | ||
Emma Houston | ||
Sophie Houston | ||
Nate Houston | ||
Seth Hudgins | 22:42 | 81,82 |
Jennifer Hudgins | 57:27 | 83,84 |
Suzette Huovinen | Finished | 97,98 |
Michael Huovinen | Finished | 95,96 |
Melissa Impallomeni | ||
Heath Israel | 28 | 222 |
Elias Jackson | DNF | |
Scott Johnson | 47:04 | 15, 16 |
Keith Johnson | ||
Keith Johnson | ||
Keith Johnson | ||
Holly Jones | ||
Lauren Jordon | Finished | 295,296 |
Denise Kano | Finished | 10 |
Sarah Kelly | 29:37 | 215,216 |
Laura Kearns | 27:00 | 103 |
Karen King | 33:21 | 130, 131 |
Cheryl Kinnunen | 24:10 | 221 |
Nicole Kinnunen | 24:10 (A Nicole reported a time but am unsure of last name. Please let me know if I have marked the wrong Nicole) | 222 |
Tracey Kite | 39:12 | 189,190 |
Darlene Kringen | Finished | 149 |
Ron Kringen | Finished | 150 |
Stacey Krutz | 50:20 | 17,18 |
Shannon Laity | Finished | 67,68 |
Dave Laity | Finished | 69,70 |
Greg Leech | ||
Ruth Leech | ||
Heather Leide | Finished | 99,100 |
Allison Littlefield | ||
Cliff Littlefield | ||
Robert Long | 20:12 | 272 |
Margaret Macdonald | Finished | 259,260 |
Emily-Maragarets friend | Finished | 299,300 |
Laura – Margarets friend | Finished | 297,298 |
Sandra Maher | Finished | 169 |
Reyna Maher | Finished | 245,246 |
Joe Maher | Finished | 247,248 |
Bridget Maher | Finished | 249,250 |
Dave Maher | Finished | 251,252 |
Stephen Maher | ||
Keely Maher | 32:57 | 238 |
Colin Maher | ||
Ryan Maloney | ||
Kelly Marcuzzi | Finished with an armed guard in Africa, wow! | 265,266 |
Martina Marks | 28 | 221 |
Ryanne May | ||
Beth McCrary | 28:32 | 21, 22 |
Courtney McDonough | 43:45 | 54 |
Jennifer McKay | ||
Joan McMahon | DNF | |
Tom McMahon | DNF | |
Michael McMahon | DNF | |
David McMahon | DNF | |
Steven McMahon | DNF | |
Chris McMahon | DNF | |
Kari Meyers | Finished | 52 |
Megan Miks | ||
Jeff Miks | ||
Julie Miller-Johnson | 34:40 | 179,180 |
Katie Minter | ||
Sysy Morales | Finished | 170,173 |
Alex Munoz | Finished | 171,172 |
Kaci Nash | 44 | 198,201 |
David Nash | 44 | 199,200 |
Suzanne Newberry | 23:58 | 140 |
Case Newberry | 30:05 | 141 |
Stefanie Pitts | ||
Stefanie Pitts | ||
Stefanie Pitts | ||
Stefanie Pitts | ||
Stefanie Pitts | ||
Laura Purcell | ||
Kathleen Quan | 32:35 | 283 |
Diane Ranaghan | ||
Heidi Rheingold-Bonn | ||
Holly Richrath | 25:15 | 220 |
Greg Ridley | 26:39 | 152 |
Erica Ridley | 26:39 | 151 |
Tracy Ripley | ||
Sherry Roberts | 40:24 | 183,184 |
Christine Rockey | 20:59 | 25,28 |
Don Rockey | 24:53 | 26, 29 |
Cindy Roerig | 78:00 | 38, 39 |
Jake Roerig | 78 | 270 |
Stacy Rose | 42 | 212 |
Robert Rose | 42 | 213 |
Wendy Rose | Finished | 275 |
Jason Rose | Finished | 281 |
Susanne Ryan | 34:42 | 1, 4 (extra for photo) |
Anne Ryerson | 29:14 | 32 |
Stephen Safranyos | 54:41 | 167, 168 |
Bethany Saros | DNF | |
Mike Saros Jr | DNF | |
Teresa Scarland | 22:52 | 27 |
Mat Scully | Finished | 71,76 |
Karen Scully | Finished | 72,77 |
Steve Scully | Finished | 73,78 |
Chris Scully | 30:17 | 74,79 |
Erin Scully-Cairns | Finished | 75,80 |
Jon Schell | ||
Casey Schell | ||
Amy Schell | ||
Corrina Schell | ||
Meri Schuhmacher | 62:00 | 40, 41 |
Lydia Scott | ||
Julie Sellin | 34:30 | 56, 57 |
Chris Sharp | ||
Amanda Silverhorn | 45 | 159 |
Howie Simpkins | 30:30 | 24 |
Carrie Skoll | 37:20 | 101 |
Naomi Skye | 62:00 | 134 , 136 |
Harrison Skye | 62:00 | 135, 137 |
Jenelle Slobof | Finished | 89,90 |
Sheri Sorensen | 30:45 | 104, 286 |
Karen Sousa | ||
Allison Sturtevant | 63 | 291,292 |
Nikki Stevens | 35 | 241,242 |
Adie Stevens | Finished | 243,244 |
Nat Strickland | 25:32 | 156 |
Jen Strongin | ||
Vol Stover | Finished | 129 |
Rebecca Stowe | 40:02 | 253,254 |
Craig Stowe | 29:42 | 255,256 |
Cameron Stowe | Finished | 257,258 |
Aneka Swanson | Finished | 93,94 |
Lori and Anisa Tarrant | ||
Michelle Theriot | ||
Heidi Timm | 54:00 | 34,35 |
Tara Tosta | 21:59 | 5 |
Melanie Tupaj | Finished | 263,264 |
Emily Tupaj | Finished | 261,262 |
Cheri Visscher | 31:14 | 42, 43 |
Becky Volovsek | 61:05 | 105,276 |
Jeff Volovsek | 61:05 | 106,277 |
Anna Volovsek | 61:05 | 107,278 |
Ginger Volovsek | 61:05 | 108,279 |
John Volovsek | 61:05 | 109,280 |
Nancy Von Horn | ||
Trenden Wagoner | Finished | 91,92 |
Suzanne Walther | ||
Kim Watson | ||
Jill Wikel | 31:20 | 31 |
Glen Wikel | 31:20 | 30 |
Stacy Wheelus | 50:20 | 19, 20 |
Denise Weisman | 34:25 | 304 |
Kara Wooldrik | 26:04 | 124 |
Mary Zick | ||
Liz Zick | ||
Robert Zick | ||
Rachel Zick | 35:00 | 51 |
Rebecca Zona |
Oh GOOD...did Mary Cornell contact you? She said she didn't see her name on the registration page. Thanks Tara!
Hi Tara!
Just filled out the registration page! Thanks for doing this.
I'm going to be out of town that weekend, but am going to get up early on Friday morning and knock it out! Yay!
Hey Tara! I just registered!
Nikki and Adie Stevens
Go team Joe!
Thanks Scott, now that is the spirit. Nikki got you and Adie on there, thank you. I expect a good picture from you (I have seen your Christmas Card).
Okay. Nobody I recognize... I guess I need to do something drastic!!!
What an awesome fundraising idea! I just registered and will try to recruit some buddies as well... Good Luck!
Just Registered....I am one of Liz Day's peeps. :)
So, I see some times listed...are those coming in via e-mail?
Two times came via email and one is listed in the comments of the race page. A few folks had issues where they needed to participate early.
Hi Tara! I'm listed 3 times but the extra was a donation so please remove two entries! It's under Kerry Cracknell. Thanks :)
I did it! Just completed the 5K thi morning in 52:47. I think I actually did longer than 5K, but I'm sticking by my score. Pretty good for someone who hasn't exercised in over 2 years. :)
Hiya! Sent you an email & Fb Message with my results. The email had pics.
22:42.14 / 7:19 pace = a TIE with my all time PR for a 5K. Very happy to have done it on your race.
Jen got out there in the heat of the day. Walked 3.35 miles for a 57:27 total time. I am proud of her for it.
This is good thing you've done, Tara. //BZ//
Ran my 5K today. 31:20 and got a good sweat on.
oh, shoot. Glenn's time was about the same...31:20.
I am listed, but also registered my husband who is not on your list. We ran a 5 mile race together this morning, and our time at the 3.1 mark was 26:39. Thanks!
Sorry... my husband's name is Greg Ridley.
Leighanna, Justin and I finished today (or yesterday ant this point) in about 53 min.
I will try and upload a pic tomorrow :)
Hey Tara...I know that Jenah Friend finished hers.
Also, did Kristy Dooley and Jason Dooley send in a pic and that they completed theirs? They finished yesterday and posted a pic on my wall.
Also, Sysy Morales and Alex Munoz completed theirs yesterday. She posted it on her blog. Did she send in pix?
Sandra Maher completed hers yesterday.
I finished yesterday with a time of around 45 minutes, I commented somewhere about it yesterday but I don't see it posted yet
Robert and I walked with the dog yesterday morning. Our time was approximately 42 minutes.
hey Tara, The Annese household all finished approximate time 45 minutes...we walked it. Thank you for doing this.
Hi Tara. Finished my 5k at 25:15. I'll send a photo tomorrow!!
Holly Richrath
Finished! :)
Stephanie Cathers
The Duckworth family (Nicole, Eddie, Jacob & Natalie) all completed their 5k yesterday. We biked/ran/jogging strollered it! Completed in 25 minutes. We then had to do an extra mile because our daughter wanted to ride her bike too! Thanks for organizing! I am sending you a couple photos.
Jake Roerig finished!
Hi! I finished mine this morning in 32 minutes!
-Ann Atkinson
Allison Sturtevant finished! 63 minutes 5.6k walked 15:40-16:43. You and Reyna ROCK!! Thanks for organizing, special hugs to you.
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