As you can see, I am nervous so, time to get to planning. The goal for this race is to finish and under 24 if at all possible. Ok under 24 or kill my quads trying, lol. I know I have to stay on top of my nutrition. I have to make sure I am sucking down 200 calories an hour. I need to make sure I am getting in ensure when I see the crew but am not going to carry it this time. My plan is to go as light as possible and hope the crew can meet me often. The other portion of my nutrition plan is sports chews (need to put those on the shopping list) and to eat normal food every time I get to an aid station. I also think I need to take my vitamin drinks like the last race and well pray for the best. I just bought gaiters, will try them out this week. Apparently the sand is horrendous in spots. I will take tons of gear because rumor has it it gets darn cold in SF this time of year. Bottom line: I can do this, I know I can, I just have to believe in myself and stay on top of my nutrition and go super slow off the top. You should hear me chanting: I think I can, I know I can, I know I can.......Oh crap this is going to hurt.
OMG! This is nuts. Why do I do this? And next year I need to do 4-5 races like this in a row if I want a chance at my dream race. Oh me oh my. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
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