Saturday, May 15, 2010

Totally Inpsired

This week the 24hr World Championships were held.  I was just so dang inspired by some of the runners.  I have to say watching an event like this makes it very hard to continue a rest/recovery week of training.  They all made me want to dive back into training.  But, alas we all know a big part of training is resting.  Therefore, I will complete my week of rest and go nuts and I mean nuts next week.  Last week I ran over 100 miles, I am way ahead in my training which means I am going to push further and harder.  I don't think I want to do much more than 100 miles a week but, I do want to work in hill work and some speedwork.  Speedwork for an ultra runner, from what I read, should consist of 5K's or 10K's run all out.  The hill work should be at a minimum of a 6% grade and last for 2 minutes.  So I am going to start working on those aspects  now that my base is up to par.  I have total faith that I can break 100 miles in Phili but, it is going to take some really hard work and some serious mental toughness during the race.  Oh and nutrition nutrition nutrition, ughhhhhhhh.  Which brings me back to the 24hr World Championships.

I had read one blurb that said that the sun was coming up but, that also meant you could see all of the vomit on the course.  Somehow I found that super reassuring that even the best of the best have stomach issues.  I also found it reassuring that some of them needed a quick 20 minute nap.  Now I know if I need a nap go for 20 minutes and eat before I fall asleep.  All good to know.  So who inspired me: Scott Jurek for one.  He is seen above running I think with a member of the Tarahamara tribe in Mexico.  He is this amamzing ultra runner who has won Western States like a million times or seven, whatever, the number is ridiculous :).  This was his first 24hr race and the guy set out to break the US record of 162 miles and did it, no kidding his first 24 hr race he ran 165 miles.  Talk about going for it all.  Shooting for the moon.  He went for it and he got it.  He also finished 2nd overall.  I was just so dang impressed.  My idol Jamie Donaldson was there (seen above).  Her goal was to run 140 miles and given that she had run 100 miles in under 15 hrs just a month and a half ago, I totally thought she could do it.  She ended up with I think 120 miles.  Which I think is super impressive but, I am guessing she isn't happy with it.  What do you want to bet she takes it out on the course at Badwater, she wants to break her own course record this year.  Super impressive.  I was also suprised to find that on the US team 4 out of 6 of the ladies are moms.  They juggle being a mom and running and jobs, just like the rest of us and still manage to be the best at something that takes a ton of time to prepare for.  Somehow that inspired me even more to work hard and see where this takes me.  If 24hr races and 100 milers aren't my thing I think 50 milers probably are.  Ehhhh, life is a journey.  I will just see where this takes me.  So far running has definately made me a better person, brought amazing people into my life and taught me many life lessons.  So I am enjoying the journey.  Happy Running All.  Next week I will hit the pavement hard and see what my legs can do :). 


cathycrisp said...

you rock, and you can do it!!!! i have total 100% faith in you too!! you have the mental and the physical now go for it!! keep you eye on the prize tosta!!Jenni, thanks for this mantra, i use it on tara all the time!!! dang, 100 miles in one week, that just rocks!! oh and the speedwork is nuts!! but...... um, not saying you are nuts but you can totally rock that too!! GO PEA!!!

Anonymous said...

You such a star, once you set your goal. I love watching you experience all that you try and change on this journey. You are really a great rold model for so many.


Marny said...

Those guys are freaking amazing! Then again, so are you! I can't WAIT for your first 24hr. Wish I could be there but it's my little man's birthday :)

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you and admire your motivation!Your neighbor