Ok just joking...sort of. I don't like change and all of my shoes are neutral except for this one new pair but, I am totally up for changing shoes if it helps me run better. Old Doc McHotty says I have a slight pronation on my left foot and therefore things track ever so slightly off and it wouldn't be a problem if I ran a normal distance. However over 50 or 100 miles the slight pronation and the extra work it causes up my leg begins to cause injuries. I am actually fascinated by how one issue relates to another and how inter connected the whole body is. It is really like the Butterfly Effect (Chaos theory) at its best (you know where a butterfly flaps its wings in NY that causes a monsoon in China, or something like that). One little issue leads to a slightly bigger issue that leads to an even bigger issue that leads to an all out injury. Super interesting. So next step is to get totally healed up so I can try my new shoes.
Wait....What???? Did I just say I haven't tried my new shoes. Why yes, I did (so happy you asked). I am so proud of myself. I am now at a week and 1/2 off from running and the foot is feeling a ton better. I think I am almost ready to try out a mile or so and see what happens. Can you believe I have a big 50 mile race in less than 2wks and am not even stressing about not running? I can't believe it but it is true. I feel really happy with my decision to get this injury under control now.
Happy Running Everyone.
Baaaahahaha!!!! I love the shoe standoff! I am really proud of you for not running! Let that tootsie heal! :)
Nice job staying off the foot! I am way more happy/surprised to see you do something like this than I am when you finish an ultra! Because I know this is harder for you ;)
Haha love the standoff! ROTF!
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