Thursday, October 7, 2010

Pre Race Blab

Holy Cow is it really race week already?  Another 100 miler.  I am not actually sure how I feel.  I was calm, then nervous, then calm, then nervous and now a bit of nothing.  I am not nervous about finishing, although I think I should be given Lone Ranger but, somehow I believe in me and my body parts.  I am not nervous about my crew, we have had two great meetings and two of them have done this before, I have total confidence in them.  I am not worried about our plan of attack, we have really refined it in the last year and worked on the areas that fell apart in the other races.  I am not even scared of the night which I find bizarre because usually the thought of the night gives me a particular sense of dread.  But this time we have a plan, we are going to shove caffeine down my throat until my eyes bob or I take off like the Energizer Bunny.  We have plans and people who can make very smart back up plans.  We are ready for this.  I am ready for this.  I have been training hard for over a year now.  I have put in tons of 100 mile weeks in the last year.  This should be an awesome race. 

Today Marny left from Colorado. Tomorrow AM Cindy and I leave from Dallas.   Tomorrow Marny, Teresa and Tracey all meet in Leavenworth.  And we all will meet at packet pick up in the small sleepy town of Cassody KS.  So today we are busily packing and labeling and cleaning and getting things ready for our kids who we all have to leave behind for the weekend.  And tomorrow we will all be together planning, plotting and having a good time. 

If you want to follow the race, you can do so on my FB wall or if you want send me your phone number and I will pass it on to the ladies, they are blasting out text updates when they have cell coverage.

Happy Running all and Good Luck to all the Chicago Marathon runners.  Wooot wooot.  Kick some butt ladies.


Bethany said...

I have a really good feeling about this race!!! You're trained up, it's a trail, the weather will rock, and we've shown that it's possible to work through nutrition issues. You've so got this, and I'll be cheering for you from afar!! Have fun, UlTara!!!

Anonymous said...

This is your race ULTara, you are so right you have the crew, your body is well trained. Please make sure the crew has my cell number as I do want updates. Chloe and I will be sending you positive engery. Just think of little Miss Chloe going up and down her hills last week, following her Mommy.

Love, mom

Dingo Mom said...

Please keep me updated 404-247-8642. I can't wait to hear how it goes. I will be pulling for you!!!

tara said...

I added you Dingo Mom

Unknown said...

WOOT...I am going to share on FB!!! YOU WILL ROCK IT TARA. I believe in you, well hell, YOU believe in you and really that is all that matters. ROCK IT SISTAH!!! LOVE YOU...

Anonymous said...

You'll be AWESOME!!! I am so excited to hear how you are doing!! I can't believe it's this weekend already!! Run Tara Run!! Woohooooooo!!!! said...

You are going to do great! I am so excited to follow you. Please keep me updated!!!!


tara said...

Holly I added you to the text updates. Thanks