Al was very down to earth and an avid runner, so of course I instantly liked him. Don't all runners like other runners. I think that is in some code book for runners. lol. He started by describing his running career. He began running later on in life after his wife died. They had eight kids, yes ladies, I said EIGHT kids. So like all of us moms, Al, took to running for sanity. He would run at 5am, then at lunch and then after the kids went to bed. He would run as much as three times a day. Of course he ran into some injuries so, while running one day the idea of the coil, sprung (pun intended, patting myself on the back for that one) into his head. He is a runner so he didn't quit until he found someone to make his shoe. His shoe is currently used mostly by non-runners but it is Al's dream that runners will use it to run injury free. After all he is a gentleman in his 70's still running each morning. He runs in his shoes and believes they are the reason he is able to run at his age and run injury free.
At our meeting he let me try a few of his shoes. One prototype seemed to really work for me. He had a shoe with the coil mid foot. The shoes were heavy at first but dang if my feet didn't feel pretty dang great. I left there with a pair of shoes to try out. Al also had an idea of a foam shoe that might work, so hopefully I will get to try that out next. I ran in the shoes on Sunday and while the left shoe had an issue the right shoe felt awesome (I was running in a prototype shoe). I can't wait to get another pair and try them out again.
Happy Running everyone! I am shooting for 100 this week, Doug will be home a few nights this week so hopefully I can pull a few all nighters and make up for some miles I am missing due to this crazy weather.
Far cry from the Vibram, eh? I just don't know what to believe anymore! AGHHH! I am looking forward to hearing more about these shoes as you run in them more. :)
Yep...cool on the shoes...and awesome on the hopeful 100 this week.
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