So how is training going? Well I finally got around to making a training plan for Heartland. I mean it is like 7weeks away so this seemed like a great time to make a plan, lol. I was really figuring out how many more weeks I could hit it hard for before I needed to taper. I figured I could take one week light and the rest would have to be really hard before my taper. The plan had me taking this week light but alas I tweaked a muscle last week and decided that was my sign to chill out. So this week I must see what these legs are made of. I am not sure if I can hit 100 miles but I plan to go out fighting :). Lets see if I can kick my own a$$ and get in those miles. I think we will take bets in a few weeks on the number of miles I can get in a week. Now that could be fun. So get your thinking caps on. I will post next week. I don't have a prize in mind but the winner could get some Aquaphor.
Happy Running Everyone.
Oh whoops forgot some super exciting news....Cindy from last weeks post, my weekly Tuesday running buddy is signing up for her first marathon. I get to run it with her. Woooot wooooot. She is running the White Rock in December. I am so excited I am bubbling. I just love running first marathons with people. Yipppeee. Now of course I have a reason to bust out my now famous Chariots of Fire ballet once again. Ahhhh Yahhhhh. Watch out Dallas. You have been warned.
I will just continue to pray for your body, legs and feet. I trust you know what you are doing and what your body will do. If you want 100, then I beleive you will run 100 this week, you are a very strong woman. XOXO
...let the miles begin. I will put some thought into just how many you will do~
Enjoy the "chill" and hope you are feeling 100% very very soon.
Congrats to Cindy and her first Marathon!!
DUdE and you are ripping on me for my miniscule BLISTERS!!! LOL
Good luck with the training this week. I'll be putting in some thought on the mileage as well. Or is family even eligible?
Mmmm yum. Lol...
Looks painful. Do hope it isn't and that it heals quickly.
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