This week was a great training week but, because it was a great training week I was drained. The weather here in North Texas was nice and hot so, it was perfect for my Lone Ranger training. I went into the week wanting to do another 3 x 30mile week, I ended up doing 32.1/30.4/30.4. Much of that was in about 90 degree temps. My legs were tired but not sore by the end of the week, my feet feel a bit achey and my body just felt tired. All in all would say it was a great training week. On Friday night Doug asked if I wanted to find a race this weekend and I almost jumped for joy. Of course I wanted to race with him and Chloe, wooo hoooo. Doug is back. His post surgery knee finally can take 3.1 miles without screaming at him for the next week and inflating like a balloon. So, on Friday night at 10 pm we did what any normal couple does, we found a race for the next morning, got our things layed out and went to bed. At 0530 we grabbed our gear and Chloe and headed to the only race we could find with in an hours drive. It was the Fireman's 5K. We had a great time. Chloe was so excited to race with Doug. I was pretty excited to run a 5Kwithout pushing Chloe. So going into the race I had just over 93 miles for the week on my legs, I wasn't quite sure how fast they would let me go but, dang if I didn't bust out a 21:35. I know that isn't fast for some of you but, for me that is pretty fast. I didn't have a watch for the race so, I just ran as hard as I could for as long as I could. I figure this was a great speed workout for the week. Chloe got to meet a fire dog and the panther in the picture below. She was so excited she ran up to him and gave him a big hug. Oh almost forgot the funniest part of the race. So we get done and Doug says Chloe thought he was going a little too fast so she put the brakes on. No kidding Chloe used her Crock on the front tire of the Jogger as a brake and wore a hole almost clean through her shoe. Doug said he is putting a fender on the jogging stroller this week. Lol. Of course Doug is an amazing runner so he was still the first person to come in with a jogging stroller, even with a human brake.
I am only 3.5 miles shy of a 100 mile week as I sit here typing. Most of me wants to get out there and do a few miles tonight and go over 100 but, I am thinking I would be doing that just for the number not for the training. Next week I am going to try and run a 50 miler on Tuesday followed by a 15-20 miler on Wednesday so, I think the smarter thing to do is take today and Monday off, let the feet rest and hit it hard come Tuesday at 0200. Oh this is a tough one. We will have to see what happens not sure I can resist the call of the 100 mile mark. Happy Running everyone! And Congratulations to all of the Graduates (Go Dylan GO!).